Sunday, April 20, 2008

Inspiration Vin et Diner

Inspiration for setting up WAD?...There wasn't really any inspiration to begin with. Afterall, blogging isn't an original idea anymore. It's more to share a passion i would say. Alex's passion for good food and wines. If you know Alex, you'll know how passionate he is of wines. But just a word of caution if you don't know him, Don't get him started on wine or food, he'll never stop! He'll probably drown you in his never-ending lecture on food paring and wines ranging from fruity Australians to vintage Bordeaux, Italian, South African, Chilean and all the way to cheap Great Wall of China wines. But if you ever need some good recommendations for wines or a place to eat, you can always count on him to give ya a few good options that works within your budget and taste. Sometimes, i adore the way he's able to charm his way around friends and relatives with his knowledge on wines. Most impressed by how he's able to convert some "i-don't-like-wine" people like myself to start appreciating grapes. Cant quite remember when we started exploring places for good food or why and how we started on wines. Hope this blog will just help us remember where we've been and what we drank. - Fiona

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